rose plastic medical introduces new website

There are many things that get better with age. In most cases, a website is not one of them. Therefore rose plastic medical packaging decided to present itself in the future with a completely new web appearance, which not only offers you a fresh design, but also more information and an improved product navigation.

Find faster than you can search
Our product finder takes you to your destination in seconds, simply by entering a search term and/or with numerous intuitive filters.

All important facts about rose plastic
On our company page you will find the best information about us clearly and concisely, if you ever need it at hand.

All products at a glance
You can find our products directly via the menu. On the product pages you will then have an overview of all available sizes and designs and you can send us an enquiry immediately.

Information for download
You can download many documents directly, such as the data sheets of our products. So the most important facts are always at hand.

Find the right packaging in 5 seconds:
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